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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Piggies Have Flown

A drive north always necessitated a stop
at the red schoolhouse in 
Orick, CA
As most know by now, I am living in a cute and old, 1947 Farmhouse in Sequim Washington.  Moving to NW Washington was always part of a grand plan from more than a decade ago. Way back in the 1990s, my bud Barbara and I took several driving forays north from Napa, California, up into Oregon and Washington. That was back when Barb was married to Phil. He'd stay behind to care for their their pack of doggies, and Barb & I would trek north from her parent's home in Napa. 

Now, here it is more than a decade later and that plan has come into fruition. You'd better have a look out the window and let me explain why. When Barbara and I were students at UCD, if someone said something that was unlikely, one of us would go peer out of the nearest window. Then said window peerer would make a show of looking skyward, saying, "Well I don't see any pigs flying around out there..."

That was the joke. That whatever-it-was would happen when pigs fly. That was the way we kind of looked at moving north, anywhere from Crescent City to NW Washington state. We figured it would happen when pigs fly.

This past week, because all her other offers from family/friends were canceled due to CV19, I was wrangled into caravaning north with Barbara from Monterey County, CA, up to Sequim, WA. She, suffering from dire back pain (OUCH!) rendering her as mean as a kicked sack of rattlesnakes. She drove in her car with her dog. I meanwhile drove in my car with her two black cats a yowling and meowling away. Somehow we all made it north without any murders occuring.

So, by the gods, here we are. Barbara lives in the little Cottage (ADU, alternative dwelling unit) and I live in the old farm house. So stop reading this and go peek out the nearest window. You might just see a cute little piggie, winging its way through the sky. Yeah, no surprises there. Trust me - the piggies have flown.

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