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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Monday, September 23, 2019

Green Acre


Beautiful Green Acre with its award winning garden
Green Acre with a view of it's giant apple tree and side yard

House hunting for a place to live in NW Washington is well underway. For no real good reason here is one property that won, then broke my heart. It is about a acre, and located about 1 mile from Olympic National Park's Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center. Just the very idea that I could live within walking distance of a National Park VC made me stupid happy. 

Below is a view a bit to the left of the previous view above. It shows the AUD (Alternative Dwelling Unit). The game plan is to get a property with either an AUD or a rental unit on it so my friend Barbara can move up and rent the unit. You know when you were a kid you wished your best friend could come live where ever you might live? That's me trying to make that happen. The ADU is the huge red barn below.

The central part of the barn has a main room, a kitchen and on the second level (its upper window is just under the roof's peak. There are lovely stairs going up to what realtors like to call a 'bonus room'. I'm discovering that a 'bonus room' normally means a room that can't be called a bedroom as it hasn't a closet so can't legally be called a bedroom.

The gardens at this property were the real draw. 

UPDATE: No dice. The seller's rep failed to mention what my inspector discovered: the AUD, the lovely red barn, was slowly edging toward total collapse. The entire barn sits on a disintegrating rock/cement foundation. Repair of the foundation is estimated at 60K and the seller refuses to reduce the asking price to reflect the repair costs, so I backed off from the property. Boo hoo! But there is another proprty out there for me. Just need to find it.

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