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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Denali National Park

Mount Denali - so magnificient it looks more a painting than a photo
Cow Moose's tracks

I didn't knock myself out getting up early today. I rose, had breakfast, then got overexcited before driving off because there were moose tracks next to the car, and many summer coated Snowshoe Hares bouncing around. I found the cow moose who left the tracks by car and wished her a good morning. She rudely ignored me.
The Bus Depot and visitor center
Inside - the big depot

When I got to the bus depot in Denali I had to make up my mind which route I would take. I ended up choosing the same one I took with Ila in 1997 - the drive to the Elisson Visitor Center.

The bus took off around 1PM and it is a whopping 8 hour round trip. It was sunny when we pulled out of the bus depot... then it was rainy... then sunny... then rainy... that was our day. And what did I care?
Early view from bus window - rain, rain, and more rain
Just as quickly followed by a 'just kidding about the rain', Rainbow
Oh well! I was glued to the window looking for animals, and the first we found were way up on a hillside - Dall Sheep. 
Finding animals, means searching for polka dots on hillsides
Dall Sheep
Between animal spotting there were sweeping vistas to admire
Dozens and dozens of Caribou roamed the flats and meadows

Some were more in a 
hurry than others.

And others were in no hurry whatsoever.
This group was bedded down on some nice soft snow
Of the 'big five' animals seen in Denali (Moose, Dall Sheep, Caribou, Bear and Wolf), the animal that probably gets the most press and excitment are the Grizzlies. Today a sow Grizzly (left) was seen with her big ole' baby (right).

They were up on the meadows, the mom snoozing while the cub dug and foraged in the grass. I learned long ago they do eat grass and can get plenty of calories from the veggie part of their diet.

There was also a brief viewing of a HUMONGOUS male Grizzly, who crossed the road and climbed up a cliff. I got plenty of photos but was frustrated from shooting pix through the bus windshield.

We had a few stops on the trip for potty breaks and such. One was at a cold, windswept area.

Moose and Caribou antlers were out for some 'Show & Tell'

Scads of little Mew Gulls were everywhere, marching and flying about.

Four hours in and the bus arrived at Elisson Vistor Center

Denali has the "Big Five" of large animals, that are Moose, Dall Sheep, Caribou, Bear and Wolf. Throughout today I saw four of the big five, but as in 1997, I still saw no wolves. Will have to come back again.

If Denali has a 'little five' here is one of them now... an Arctic Ground Squirrel
There are loads of instructional and inspirational stuff to look at in the visitor center, but for me the best was a display of  downright gorgeous quilts.
Four massive quilts making one spectacular tableau
I loved the wildflowers & herbs as well as the wildlife displayed
Loved the detailing of the birds displayed
This quilt explained how herbs were used for dyes
Of course I made a pie crust promise to sew such a quilt for myself
Look at that Long-tailed Jaeger & wildflowers - to die for!
I was so bowled over by the quilts, I made a pie crust promise to myself - I would make such a quilt for myself. You remember pie crust promises - easily made, easily broken.

When I could tear myself away from the quilts, there were other things to look at - the magnificient scenery

Huge windows, even more huge vistas outside
After the Elisson Vistor Center the bus headed back. I birded along the way, but it wasn't easy because my GPS was non functional. Still, I enjoyed what birds showed up, like a huge Golden Eagle.

I wasn't tired, but was ready to call it a day when we got back to the bus depot. I headed back to my AirBnB, stopping to do a little window shopping in Healy. I made sure to get back in time to enjoy the eleven PM 'alpine glow' which my AirBnB host said was a not-to-be-missed event. He was right. 
Lovely sunset with 'Alpine Glow'; the glittering of light on distant hill

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