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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Berkeley Hen Party

Robbie, bless her Hen Heart, concluded, another Hen Party was in order. Our last was a whopping 3 years ago, so you can understand her point. So with short notice the party was held this past weekend.

To the right here, is Hen Robbie who wowed I, the ultra lazy, by spending hours of the first day on her feet, baking and making a feast for her hen pals. I arrived shortly before Barbara, and we sat on our ample rears, watching Robbie prepare oodles of savories and sweet treats.

The best reason for Hen Parties is to catch up with what everyone is up to these days, and show photos of whom or whatever it is you have to share. 

On Saturday morning, Robin arrived. She came loaded with lots of stories & pix of her brood - all grown now & married - whom we've known since they were knee high to hens.
Saturday morning chat with Barbara and Robin 
We were all tickled that Hen Robin managed to visit with us, as she is always on the go. She is an honest-to-gosh, farmer, in Vacaville, CA.

Hen Rhonda came in on Sunday, having just flown in the previous night from Italy, where, as a scientist, she attended a grape grower's conference. Her tales of touring Tuscan grape groves and attending evening Italiano feasts with the locals & other scientists there kept us all in stitches.

Oh, and back to the food, because you gotta feed Hens, you know? Robbie prepared an amazing Vietnamese Pho soup for our dinner. It. Was. Awesome.

I have got to master the recipe for Pho soup. There was a tantalizing assortment of greens and sprouts to add to our soups as is done traditionally. My favorite was the purple Shiso leaves, from a plant of the mint family. I'd bought Shiso leaves but they spoiled as I did't know what to do with them. Well, now I know!

Robbie also knocked herself out the desserts department too.
Robbie made mini tarts from fresh apricots and a scrumptious apricot pie.
Yes, Hens eat pretty danged well
My 'PLEASE TAKE' cooking stuffs, all over Robbie's table
I'm busy breaking up my household lately, so I took this Hen Party opportunity to make everyone give new homes to the kitchen supplies I'm unable to take with me to Washington state. I fostered off generously gave all my flax seed & meal, nuts, bottles of grape molasses, orange water (for my attempts at Moroccan cuisine), as well as my cooking oils and much much more. Thanks for helping me unload my stuff... I mean, thanks for assisting me in re-purposing my fellow Hens!

[Update: I have yet to master the art of Pho soup as yet, but did find a great Pho restaurant in Port Angeles so there's that...]

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