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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Monday, August 20, 2018

Back to Denver

It was wonderful waking up in the little house on a meadow. We were all a bit down knowing our Pop-up Reunion as nearing its end. For one thing, the gourmet meals Dave & Tom prepared for us were down to only one or two more luscious meals. Yet, being out in the sticks meant there was still time for a surprise or three. Early bird Charlaine saw something out the window, and you'll see it too at the end of this post.

The view from Berthoud Pass
Departure at hand, I think we all enjoyed getting into the departing ceremony that is stripping our beds, getting the sheets and stuff into the laundry and such. We did get to enjoy yet another gourmet breakfast (thanks D & T!) and I even  managed some more time on the front porch getting in some last minute views of the local feathered folk.

Then we all headed out for Denver. Along the way we stopped at (you only get one guess) Berthoud Pass (you were right!) here we admired the view. Got a traveler to take our group photo for us (nice job, whoever you are!).

Headed Home!
Rocky Mountain Parnassian Butterfly

And took a little time to admire some of the tinier wildlife there.

Dave and Tom's former home

Back in Denver we went out to lunch as a v. nice local restaurant. I could show you photos of what we ate, but you'd get all hungry and would drool all over your keyboard. After eating we took another spin around Denver, during which we got to see D&T's former home - v. sweet!

The afternoon back at David and Tom's Denver home, was chatty & busy as Charlaine and Jonni got their stuff ready for their flight back to San Diego. All of us accompanied them to the airport.
View down from walkway

Down the escalator
Candid shot of departing Charlaine & Jonni from afar

I totally love every opportunity to visit the Denver airport. Since it was built around 1995, it has been the focus of a zillion conspiracies, involving such things as world order underground bunkers complete with ET restrooms and illuminati art murals. Sadly for she-who-enjoys-checking-out-spooky-shite-for-fun, the airport is currently undergoing remodeling (to hide the aliens? To make things more comfortable for the illuminati whateverthehell that is?). Even without all the conspiracy theories surround the airport, it always fun visiting a world class airport.

Although there was nothing of note inside the airport, we did get to see the Blue Mustang - a fiberglass artwork on the road by the airport. The crook-legged, fiberglass beastie is locally known as Blu-cifer, not only for its blue color but for its glaring, fire red eyes.
Beware Blucifer! Bwah, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Also on the way home from the airport, we got to see the blue glowing wall that treads the route to the airport. It is supposed to be an artistic take on a snow fence.  It has various advertisements on some segments so it welcomes visitors and sells stuff.

Are you spooked? No? Ok, how about a almost-spooky sunrise parade composed of fuzzy ghostly white four-legged creatures, accompanied by strange canid herders and their human overlords? OK, maybe these were actually floofy critters on the hoof, under supervision of hard working dogs, and a few gen-u-wine cowboys.  They are what Charlaine saw out the window early this morning. The first segment of the video is filmed through a window, but hang on and it gets clearer shortly thereafter. Enjoy this short 3 min. vid.

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