Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Rocky Mountain National Park
Snow in the Rockies
We did a little bit of preparatory shopping in Denver and we were off to our Airbnb in Estes Park, a lovely little condo on a first floor. We gained access to Rocky Mountain Park with my old lady National Park Pass.
Just in case anyone doubts where we were
As soon as we were in the park, the critters showed themselves, wanting William to photograph them. Vain things these critters are.
Doe Rocky Mountain Mule Deer
William trying out his 'National Geographic chops'
The theme of the day was soon apparent: here an elk, there an elk, everywhere an elk, elk.
Hungry, Hungry Hippo... er, I mean, Bull Elk
There was scattered snow, as well as elk
See? Elk everywhere
Including a few feet from your car bumper
There were birds too. Not the ones I most wanted to see but hey, there were birds.
Black-billed Magpies
William took a half zillion photos of the Black-billed busy-bodies... I mean, Black-billed Magpies on a mountain pull out area. We watched the little buggers lifting dropped potato chips and such from visitors
This one put on a nice little performance for William
In my view, the most exciting mammal that we saw, was the tiniest. We went grocery shopping and there, at the entryway, was an itsy bitsy widdle Kangaroo Rat. Haven't seen a K-rat in eons and I was v. excited. I stared in horror as the electronic door opened - but swung right over the tiny mite's head. Whew! That was a close one. Below is the uber short iPhone live vid of the critter.
Here's William enjoying some of the park's magnificent scenery.
I was bummed that as it is winter, access to the other half of the park was blocked so no moose for William. Also, no Pikas or Yellow-bellied Marmots, so he has those to look forward to another time.
Lots of ice on the roads that were open at medium elevation
Aspen are beautiful, whatever the season
presenting gorgeousness!
Had fun staring at the Stanley Hotel after dark... you know... when the 'hants' are out & about
Snow sprinkled scenery at sunset
The day was over for me, but William went to a movie in downtown Estes Park. Ah, to have post dusk energy again!
The following morning we headed out of Rocky Mountain park. We took time to enjoy a herd of elk, dancing about in Lake Estes. Below are Will's shots of the elk during their morning water aerobics class.
Look at Mr. lopsided on the left there. I watched him drop the other horn a few minutes earlier.
I told you they were dancing out there, didn't I?
We were headed south for New Mexico, and The Garden of the Gods.
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