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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Old Dubrovnik by Moonlight

After an afternoon on Lockrum Island, Jo and I went on a mini-shopping spree, followed by a short rest back at Villa Odak. Then we meandered downhill again to old Dubrovnik. There we had a repeat dinner not to far from the ferry dock.

Jo enjoying a little appetizer

While we nibbled at appetizers in the 'al fresca' setting, a bridal party waltzed by. Jo loves people and she called out to the bride, letting her know just how pretty she was - and as you can see from the photo, the bride is a treat in tulle!

After dinner we each took a walk around Old Dubrovnik. I knew something was being celebrated but was clueless as to what.
Lots of festivities and lots of music in Old Dubronik
I meandered over to one of the old buildings which was spectacular
The marvelous lighting added to the wonderment for me
Inventive clock tower
This spot was wanting a Gregorian chant playing in the background
Can't even imagine the purpose of  this beautiful hall

Turns out there was a festival in progress.  The Kinookus Food Film Festival, an international event, happening every September. Jo and I just stumbled into it. The festival celebrates the regional wines, purest olive oils, and my favorite, shellfish (yum!). Oh, and there is a marathon, I suppose is held to take off some of the food accrued festival fat. As the internet describes the event, it is a '....feast of diversity, unity, meetings, ideas, games and enjoyment. Now, I didn't partake of any of the featured food or film, but I did visit one of the displays, celebrating many film stars, old and new.

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A couple of the new stars showcased, no surprise, play characters in Game of Thrones. Lots of those kind of souvenirs were about.
Winter is coming. Spring too, if you only wait long enough.
I returned to roaming the old city
Night view of the Dubrovnik harbor
After touring Old Dubrovnik, I very nearly enjoyed hiking back uphill to Villa Odak. It's our last night. Tomorrow we begin a slightly circuitous route back to Zagreb, then on to Budapest.

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