Before deserting the Santa Rita Lodge at Madera Canyon for Sierra Vista today, I doddered around the birdie feeders. So I thought I'd post the pics I'd neglected to post earlier in the week (for those who sadly, think I post all this while I'm actually out of town, ahem!).
A highlight of the week, a parti-colored species, the Varied Bunting |
It was interesting - to me anyway - that last year's buntings were all lazuli Buntings, but this year there were no Lazuli's, only Varied Buntings. A little sad here, as when I watched a several buntings bouncing around in a wood pile at the bottom of the slope in front of me, I neglected to point them out to any of the other birders. By the time I thought to, the buntings had bounced.
That, I can assure you, is the height of bad birding manners. I must beg forgiveness."Audubon, Peterson & other legendary birders in the great beyond, I have sinned..."
A variety of species came in to nab bits of orange & suet from the pole feeder.
Black-headed Grosbeak, ho hum for me, but not from birders visiting from east of the Mississippi. |
A bold little Bridled Titmouse |
One bird that had me all excited when I first saw it was this female mumble, mumble Oriole.
Female... uh.. there's a blackish bib... but a Scott's? |
I so wanted a Scott's Oriole to fly in, a male one, that is. That'd be a lifer bird for me. But only this female what's it showed up. I mean, this girlie has a v. gray head but I dunnon... she could just as likely be a Hooded Oriole. Why oh why didn't she bring along her better half? *heavy sigh*
And on to more cooperative birds, such as Blue Grosbeaks.
There are Blue Grosbeaks in California, but often as not I don't see more than one or two per year. Here in Arizona though, the things are practically a plague. Have seen more this week than in all previous years of my entire life. A half dozen at a time is no big deal in Arizona.
Male Blue Grosbeak |
A female Blue Grosbeak, altogether llooking like a different species than her mate |
Oh, and here's a Magnificent Hummingbird. What a name, Magnificent Hummingbird. Not Better-than-average Hummingbird or pretty-fancy-for-a-U.S.-Hummingbird, just Magnificent.
Magnificent 'Better-than-average' Hummingbird |
Oh, and while on the topic of Better-than-average Hummers, I inadvertently got a series of shots that told a bit of a story about bullying and come-up-pence. It started with a female Broad-billed Hummer, minding her own business, sipping nectar.
Minding her business when along came a bully - a male Magnificent |
He kept dive-bombing the little female, over and over again |
The b*stard took over the little girlie's place at the feeder |
But too quick for my camera, the little girl chased the big jerk from HER perch Doesn't the Magnificent look surprised at her moxie? |
The Magnificent, its purple & turquoise caught the sun as it skedaddled |
Lesser Nighthawk in the ebbing light |
It was a nice few days at Madera Canyon. Every day ending with driving to the bottom of the canyon. There I lazily watched Lesser Nighthawks patrol their territory, gulping down insects on the wing as daylight faded.
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