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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Sunday, February 09, 2014

HURRAH, It's Damp!

Didn't think California was going to get any rain at all this winter, but here it is at last. For weeks have noticed how the hills and valleys are bone dry and dead while in a normal winter they would be lush and green. Been raining for a couple of days now.

Of course, not everyone feels an urge to celebrate the wet and cold.

Mr. Should-be-paying-me-room-and-board

Hope this little guy isn't as miserable as he looks
Soggy California Tohee
There are in excess of 100 Cedar Waxwings and an equal contingent of Robins in the back yard today. Poor bedraggled, gloomy fellows. The Waxwings are wolfing down the Elderberries in a tree overhanging my backyard. I bet they ate every other tasty berry in the neighborhood before becoming desperate enough to return to eat the elderberries. They finished off the Hawthorn berries more than a month ago.

The fruit of the day are Elderberries
The Cedar Waxwings ate up all the Hawthorn berries weeks ago,
turning their noses up at the Elderberries
Or is it possible the Elderberries are only now reaching ripeness?
The Robins prefer the English Ivy berries that I've never seen the
Waxwings touch, though this Robin seems to like Elderberries well enough
I sat hanging out a bedroom window to get these shots of wet topped Waxwings

1 comment:

  1. Great shots as always, as I scrolled down I began to wonder how'd you get those shots, and then sure enuf, you say out your window. Teehe
