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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Hallow-daze!

Never let it be said that I'm never available for the big holidays! After spending most the day with my sister, I joined Nephew Kirk for some Trick or Treating with my nephew/niecelette and their even tiny buddy Patrick. Here they are at the start of the festivities.

Left to Right, Patrick is Batman, James is a Ninja
Knight and Sidney is Minny Mouse

There were loads of Halloween characters out. I was amused to see Winnie the Pooh, who apparently had nothing to do with a tiny honey bee that was working the other side of the street with Daddy.

Character assault on the candy bag; Sydney's on the far right

Yumm... someone left out a bag of candy
on the honor system

And on to the next conquest

A kindly Hot Dog dishes out the treats

I had fun Trick or Treating with the niece/nephew tonight! I also enjoyed seeing all the costumes, as always an intriguing mix of store-bought & home made costumes. My favorite for the night? This costume below:

This guy said he is a 'Classic Nerd'

He is the classic Nerd all right; I particularly like his pen/pencil jammed pocket, complete with plastic ruler because we all know how difficult it is to drum up a slide rule these days.

Bwah ha ha ha! Nice haul o' Treats for one night's work


  1. and claire, what was your costume of choice?

  2. I was cleverly disguised as the fat, out of town Auntie. : )
