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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Who's Crossing the Road?

Nevada - land of cool mesas

After a nice evening in Winnemucca, which featured a lovely HUMONGOUS dinner at a local Basque restaurant, we were northbound to Klamath Falls. After a week in Colorado and Wyoming, you can understand how we didn't expect a single thing of interest along the way, but we were wrong - the signage was awesome. Periodically the signs warned to be careful of whatever critter was apt to leap on the road in a Kamikaze stupor.

Deer crossing

No deer here, just sagebrush,
sagebrush and more sagebrush

*sigh* no pronghorn crossing here

A lovely mini-mesa, but no pronghorns

Cattle Crossing - *yawn*

We actually got excited over a sort-of Devil's Postpile, despite the power lines that ruined the view.

Hey! Now there was a promise of wild horses afoot. But signs or no signs, we found no equine critters crossing the road.

Domestic or Wild Horses?

A bit after we passed the ensie Oregon town of Adel, we saw this sign promising Bighorn Sheep - empty promise for us!

Bighorn Sheep

But we did run across a sign that delivered on its promise.

Wild Burros?

Hurrah! What we thought were fat cows, were black burros, out browsing on savory sage shrubberies. Yum...

Check out those funny looking black cows... wait a minute!

BINGO! Wild Burros!

After we tore ourselves from the distant burros, we came across a Burro mare and her little black foal. They were too cute!

This Mom wolfed down sagebrush while her foal chilled.

sweet little burro foal

Hurrah! And as for any critters on the road, Barbara did nearly hit a Mule Deer doe, but the doe made good her get away. I can't for the life of me find the photo of the doe, but I suspect you've seen enough photos for today.

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