So last week my dream lens arrived and today I took it south to Mercy Hot Springs to try it out on Long-eared Owl photos. THE LENS REFUSES TO FOCUS AT ANYTHING OVER 250 MM And its a 100 - 400 zoom! So 90% of the photos I took are out of focus and I could just cry I'm so upset. Yes, I know there are more important things to be upset over in this world - we are at war - but damn it, I am so disappointed. The camera will be boxed up and UPS'd on Monday. I'll be going on my next two vacations with my old, non-image stabilizing 100-300 zoom lens.
Imagine if these owl photo had been in focus! The photo on top I took at less than 300mm and at that focal length I almost got the lens to focus, but the lower photo was taken at 400mm.

Doesn't this baby look like a Chupacabra?
Imagine if these owl photo had been in focus! The photo on top I took at less than 300mm and at that focal length I almost got the lens to focus, but the lower photo was taken at 400mm.

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