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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Friday, April 10, 2020

I Have a House in Sequim, Washington!

On Friday, April 10th, I got the keys to my house! I am now the overwhelmed, and excited to be the happy homeowner of a cute 1.9 acre lot in Sequim Washington. Actually, as the property has an 'ADU' Alternate Dwelling Unit' or whatever, I have two houses in Sequim. ME! You, know, the fat kid from the Bronx, owns two homes. How the @%&# did that happen? Nevermind - it is a long & arduous tales and there are not enough hours in a day.

Here's the living room of the main house that I will live in. All butterscotch colored but soon to be painted a nice Earth Mother color.
Am pleased it already has a ceiling fan and a corner where I intend to put a wood stove
 2nd floor bedroom, with the rug that will not be there for long 
My room, showing cute little balcony (SQUEEE!)
that faces Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge. 
 The upstairs hall is going to be the first area painted. I'm thinking pale sage green.

Upstairs Hallway
Second Guest Room & its one 'Butterscotch' colored wall
This is the other bedroom on the second floor. For now I call it the 'play room' but it will double as a second guest room. The room is mostly a nice pale yellow, except for the door wall that is butterscotch and will be painted to match the pale yellow. And where does that door go?

The door goes onto this patio (SQUEEE!). The house is an old farm house, built in 1947. The patio is the top of the garage that was added to the original building. The patio faces south, and you can just kinda sorta see the Olympic mountains in the far distance. 

So it looks like it'll be a while before I get new floors in, and until I do, I'm will not send for my POD - which contains all my worldly goods, delivered. Currently I have zero furniture in the house. I bought a director's chair so I'd have something to sit on for now. I also ordered an air mattress so I have something to sleep on. Until the air-mattress arrives, I continue my stay at Ingrid's house in Port Angeles.  The woman should be put up for sainthood, not only for putting up with me for 8 months, but for all the community minded projects she undertakes. Ingrid makes Mother Teresa look like a shirker.

And see the white building to the right in the patio picture? That's my cottage! It's a rental and my friend Barbara is going to move up here and rent it from me. It is a cute 1 bedroom/1 bath with a wood stove (wah! I want a wood stove too!). It also has pretty floors, although the bedroom has a carpet. 

The interior of the 'Cottage', the front room
So my Washington adventures have begun big time. I'm still not quite caught up on my blogging but I am now blogging again in real time, and will 'back fill' what it pleases me to record. Life is good. OK, except for this STUPID pandemic. Damned CV-19 virus....