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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Another NYC Farewell

Looking down on... um... Brooklyn with Manhattan on the left of the left hand bridge
Another Great Pop-up in The Big Apples draws to a Close. William offered to drive me to the La Guardia Airport, but I spared him the drive, opting to use Uber. This was a great trip for Uber-ing about the city. Thought would be a nice time to show off some of this past week's photos that weren't shared earlier. 

On the way from Seatac WA to NYC, I flew Frontier Airlines. Will NOT make that error, ever again in this life time, I can assure you. Cheap fare? You betcha. Cheap flight, oh, HELL yeah.

From earlier in the week, departing for NYC out of SeaTac (Seattle, WA)
The only cool thing on that flight was the jet's tail with it's giant Texas Longhorn picture.

And Here are some New York shots that got lost in the telling.
The Theater where the new West Side Story production is on
Ed Sullivan Theater where Late Night with Steven Colbert plays
[Note to self: must see live taping of Colbert show!]
Night time Manhattan shot of the SS Intrepid
Just a little Wood Duck male I spotted in Harlem...
Lastly, a shot taken by a kind passerby at Times Square, the night we saw the Harry Potter plays. 

Posing in front of The Lion King, the play's Rafiki the shaman

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

William, Claire, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Oh Mother of  Horcruxes, I am DONE!
First thing to note here - I am a long time Potterhead. Also note, I hated the post-Hogwarts book, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (HPCC). I dismissed it as no better than the sorryest amature fan fiction. Yet, I've wanted - desperately wanted - to see this play since it opened in London in 2016. Thought I didn't
have a Hippogriff's chance in a wizard's duel to see it. Then it opened in NYC, and now here I am with tickets for the neph, William and meself.

Knew this would be an epic adventure, which started with the box office giving me seats up in the peanut gallery - which I felt was wrong... On climbing up to the rafters, I was told they'd screwed up and that my actual seats were much better.

Then, it was CORRECTO TICKETUS! and my real tickets were in my hands and I was off to peruse the souvenirs. You saw that one coming didn't you? Got myself and William Hogwarts ties, we are both in Ravenclaw. Then I got a frozen drink that came in a keepsake HPCC cup. Didn't realize the slushy drinks were alcoholic, probably spiked with Ogden's brand Giggle Water. Had a couple of those drinks *hic* before the done was day.

The Cursed Child is two plays, and there is the option to see them on two different days, or take the route we did, which was seeing them on the afternoon & evening of the same day. Best choice!

Yay! Our 'proper' seats in the orchestra section

Wills had taken off to get some food outside of the theater and I was worried with him having the wrong ticket, something awful was going to happen, but I described him to a helpful usher and went to my theater seat. Lo and behold, William made it to our correct seating before curtain time and we were ready to be wowed.

What a fun production! It was just as I'd hoped, it makes you feel like you got lost in Diagon Alley, and watched witches & wizards perform magic in front of your eyes. Some bits of the production were so magical that during intermission, William and I would discuss how-the-freakn' hell they pulled off this or that magic, on the stage, right in front of our disbelieving eyes. I think my favorite spectacle was the wand duel between adult Harry Potter and his one time, second level nemesis, Draco Malfoy. During that spectacular wizard's duel, I was shrieked with delight.

After the first play, part I was ended, William and I took off for dinner before the start of part II. We yelped, googled and headed for a Japanese restaurant that was not where the phones said it would be. Rats! So we ended up instead at Bubba Gump's Shrimp. We wolfed down a combo special and fancy drinks. Then we returned to the theater to roam the halls and take advantage of the awesome photo opts.

William's photography magic
William and the Pushy Thunderbird!

Happy to visit Snape's Patronis - ALWAYS!
Ominous signs hoovering over an Owlry... quite Death Eater-ish!
I absolutely must mention this - after dinner, as we waited with other theater goers to enter the Lyric Theater, I was astounded to see a so-help-me-gods, BAT flying around just above us! I freaked out, as it was flippin' freezing, around 28 degrees out and yet there was a bat, flying around! It was my first time seeing a bat in the Big Apple. You know me, I noisily pointed it out, and no one else paid any attention to neither the bat, nor me. I guess considering the other magic we'd seen today, a bat was no big whoop for anyone but moi. I guess  they thought bats are so 'Halloween' and that was a fortnight ago.

For a day with over 4 hours watching a play, the day ended as though cursed by a dark wizard who willed the fun to trickle slowly away. But it was so wonderful while it lasted. I suspect if I ever get to a Harry Potter World I will just *POOF!* dissolve into a sizable puddle of happy 'essence of Claire'. 

Can you spot Dumbledore on the right?

That is George Weasley in the stripy jumper
All too soon, the last bows

Before we reluctantly left the theater, we had our photos taken with the emblem of Ravenclaw (mind... it is the version that has a raven, which as Ravenclaws, we know actually ought to be an eagle with Raven, i.e., black talons, but as a true Ravenclaw I would be remiss to let that fact slide by, sans comment). 
'Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure', yeah, that's us to a tee.
That was our fantastic day at the theater. Likely the only double play day I'll ever know, at least until I repeat the HP and the Cursed Child adventure again, hopefully next time in London.

To give an idea of the play's 'flavor' here is a short teaser on the production.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Akhnaten at the Met

The Met
William and I left for NYC from Maryland in the morning. Along the drive William mentioned he was interested in a performance - tonight - at New York's Metropolitan Opera House. It is no surprise to me, as William has long held great interest in our African Egyptian ancestors. So along the drive back to NYC, the opera house was called and BOOM! We had tickets for tonight's performance of Akhnaten. BOOM, SCORE! 
William at the Met
 Attending a performance at THE Met was a first for both of us. We were there early, and parked at a lot near the theater, which thrilled me to pieces because it was a COLD night for walking. Entering the huge and impressive building was exciting and nearly overwhelming. Talk about your 'bright and shiny'!
Looking down from gallery heights
We picked up our tickets at the Met box office, after which I felt my usual imperative to visit the gift shop. 

Tiny corner of the HUMONGOUS gift shop
Talented Toys...
Splendiferous opera jackets and such...
Necklace for that special evening at the Met

I only bought a couple of items, not shown here; a beautiful Black ballerina on point and a jewel festooned cloth heart.

Dollies for your Doll...
If you want to blow your nose as well as your cool...

The production was so magical. The music is by Philip Glass whose music can at first seem quite repetitive, but it has the result of making you feel you are meditating and it draws you in. 
The screen in front of my seat
A cool thing was that there was a screen in front of every seat. The screens also explained the general set up of each act, and provided translations in English and German, etc. 
By the first intermission, William and I were thoroughly in love with the production, and we chatted about all the symbolism. For example, in the production when the old pharaoh died, the weight of his heart was compared to the weight of a feather on balanced scales. William explained to me the pharaoh's heart was a light as a feather after death because he lived his life well and was granted entry to heaven... or something like that! 
Our view from the operatic peanut gallery
We were shocked that not every audience member was as enchanted with the opera as we were. A disgruntled looking woman sitting nearby, at the first intermission, left and never reappeared. What
The dressing of Akhnaten
Egyptian god put a feather up her rump? Perhaps she was shocked by Akhnaten's initial appearance, when he stood naked at the top of a long stair well, slowly walking downwards... 
At that point in the opera he was newborn to life, and at the bottom of the stairs, his servants ritually dressed him in elaborate golden robes. Now way up in the dress circle, we couldn't see he was
naked -  I reckon all the more reason to spend the $300 for front row seating. Nevertheless, at a later time I looked on line for a closer look at the astounding costuming for this amazing opera. The round orbs that covered his gown were the golden painted heads of dolls! I have got to some day re-see this opera from a closer vantage point.
Garbed in Golden Robes with Orbs
 Another amazing and beautiful aspect of this unique production was the juggling. Yes, I said juggling. Numerous cast members would juggle balls that somehow magically melded into the story and how the eff they juggled like that without ever dropping anything was stupefying to watch.  
When the elaborate opera ended, the crowd went wild. I can't imagine any other opera production being quite as mesmerising as this one. I have GOT to see Akhnaten again another time. 
Here is the Met's trailer for Akhnaten. Every time I see it, I am sucked into the hypnotic production all over again.  Note the juggling - be amazed! 

Monday, November 11, 2019

Visit with My Big Brother

Soaking up some morning sun in the back yard, with Diane and William
The morning was pleasant and comfy! Had great conversation with Diane who was a police woman so knows much fascinating stuff and has interesting opinions. When William and I were properly coffee'd and fed, we were off to visit William's dad, my brother.

Juan, out on the patio at his living facility

Juan and William played their usual games of chess and for the first time in  long while, William was victorious. That is actually a little worrying as Juan usually beat the b'Jesus out of his competition. We pretty much spent the whole day with Juan, mostly on the patio and the poor man was worn out by the time he took to his room again. William and I went out and fetched a nice Chinese dinner for the three of us, and then we bade Juan goodbye and took our leave.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Maryland Family Visits

The Baltimore Gang
As luck and filial devotion would have it, William invited me to go along with him to visit his Dad in Maryland. Love taking road trips with William, he's great company. Our first stop was in New Jersey to get gas and I was blown away by the insane gas station! It was more like a Bev Mo' with every kind of alcohol you can imagine.

Yikes! I have never seen the like before and I've been to freakn' Las Vegas which is more the sort of place I'd expect to find more booze than gasoline or potato chips.

We bustled on south to Baltimore, where we popped in on Kirk, Nicole and their kids. My grand-niece & nephew are really into the theater arts these days. Sydney was off watching a friend of hers in a high school production - I can't believe she is in high school. And James-Allen and his dad were off buy a half ton of food for the Baltimore branch of the Leyba-Millers. My niece Bea, her hubby Avon and daughter Ain came on over too and we feasted everyone's favorite chow from local restaurant establishments.

They moved into their town house about a year ago. The last time I visited them their stuff was actually being packed for their move. Love their new place - OK, am not fond of the stairs, which are necessary in a 3 story house, but that's OK. I work out at the gym with Kirk & Nicole's stair cases inspiring said exercising.

Soon it was quite late and we had to leave for the final leg of our drive. We arrived at the home of my sister-in-law Gloria and her sister. They were quite sweet to let William and I invade their beautiful home. It was my first visit there, and I enjoyed meeting their little Yorkie Terrier dogs. By the time everyone turned in for the night I was totally knackered & ready to sleep.

Saturday, November 09, 2019

Ain't Too Proud!

Family Get Together at the Imperial Theater for Ain't Too Proud
I'm in NYC for my family's Pop-up reunion. The main event of our pop-up was all getting together to see Ain't Too Proud on Broadway.  Here I will take the time to thank my cousins David & Tom who took it on themselves to make get everyone's tickets and make all our arrangements for both the musical and for our excellent din-din afterwards. Thanks guys!

Ain't Too Proud showcases the history of the popular entertainers, The Temptations. It was full of the music of the Temptations, but better yet, the dance steps were there too, I mean, talk about smooth! The history of the group, their ups and their downs was quite the story.

I don't think there was anyone of us that wasn't singing along under our breath as hit after hit was performed with the smoothest dance steps e-vah!

We had great seats, all together overlooking the stage.

In the photo below my family is spread out in two rows. That's David and William in the aisle. Cousins Carol & her daughter Ideaa , and just in front of them, is David's brother-in-law and his sister.  It was a great treat too that David's Uncle Emile's daughter and her husband and two children joined our Family Fest. I'd explain all the above lineage to you but you do not have all day.

My Family & Very-Nearly Family all getting ready for the show
My big sister Dolores and my cousin Yvonne 
All of us seated and ready for the show to begin
At show's end, we followed plans to meet up for dinner together. It wasn't easy to plan that, but again, David & Tom came through for us. 

The site chosen for our family dining is a conglomeration of several restaurants of all sorts, located under one roof. We commandeered a couple of tables, then everyone was on their own for deciding what sort of cuisine might hit the spot.  Dolores and I took a serpentine trail through the various establishments, turning our dainty noses up at pizza, sea food and Mexican fare. We finally settled on splitting a giant hamburger with a healthy helping of sweet potato fries.

Ideaa and Akela, from NC & NYC
Our Selfie Portrait
When everyone finished their meals the fun didn't screech to a halt. Dolores and I were escorted through Manhattan by William, and I had a ball spotting all the exciting venues there - the Ed Sullivan Theater where the Colbert Show films and the one time hottest spot to be in the City, Studio 54. It was a great little drive.