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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Wedding on the Beach

Wedding Gathering
Carter Cousins Roaming the
Mexican Resort, Sunday Morning

The day was enjoyed, going out Sunday brunch at one of the resort's many restaurants. We had fun ordering breakfast drinks, then trying to guess if we were given what we actually ordered. I'm still not sure if the honey dew juice I ordered is what I ended up with, but whatever was in that glass, I thought it muy tasty.

Sunday Morning Brunch
Following breakfast we shopped for things we didn't bring with us, such as sun block. Then the energetic cousins went for a walk along la playa, while those like me were happier just heading back to our suite. Yeah, I'm quite the wet tamale,whatever country I'm in.

I enjoyed getting shots of my cuzzies from our balcony above the sands.

Inspired by my cousins, I decided to get involved, so I watched an exercise class down in the pool below. I love exercise. I could watch it all day.

Late afternoon, all dressed up, my cousins and I walked over to the white sandy beach, where we settled into our chairs facing the Gulf of California.

The parents of the happy groom were sat up front. My Aunt Arna looked so beautiful we all had to remind ourselves that staring is rude. Meanwhile, Uncle Matt sent his drone sailing high over the gathering wedding guests.

At left, Matt's drone hoovering over the wedding guests.
Uncle Matt, the happy groom Dovin and Aunt Arna
When all the guests were seated, and the adorable flower girls had strewn a sufficient quantity of blossoms along the route, the groom and his bride got into place.

The vows were said and at the end of it all, a dear friend of the newly wed couple had a challenge for them, to drink from a pair of glasses attached to a long 'Shotski' board. It is an old Polish tradition, and although we had no old Poles present, bride & groom managed to sip the poteen without spilling it, and therefore bring years of good luck into their wedded life.

The sun was  now below the horizon and the sky was beautiful with pink tinges. Gradually, the wedding party & guests migrated to the tented area where the wedding feast would take place.
My Aunt Arna and Uncle Matt, proud parents of the groom
Matt, the groom's son, with his grandmother

Cousins Michael and Jonniann 
Cuzzies, Jonni and Rhonda
Cousin David and Cousin-in-Law Tom
Cuzzies Rhonda and Carol
Groom's daughter Maurissa and her boyfriend Jake

A perfect day and a perfect wedding. Oh...
and must mention the food was a real treat. In closing here
is the dessert, each of which was topped off with a strawberry cradled in a little basket of spun sugar... it was as sweet as our day was.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Destination Wedding - The Arrival

Last year around this time, I meet up with my Carter cousins for the 60th birthday party of my Cousin Dovin and his girlfriend, Rosa. This year we Carter Cousins are meeting up/down in Mexico for Dovin & Rosa's destination wedding. My first ever 'destination wedding' so now I can say I've 'been there, done that'.
The drive passed through Organ Pipes National Monument
For starters, Cousins David & Tom did all the thinking (for me at least!) arranging for a hired van & driver. All the rest of us had to do was to Phoenix, Arizona. There at the Phoenix airport we did a quick meet n' greet at a terminal, then we loaded into our van, where we hit the road Jack! We drove through tiny Arizona towns and through Organ Pipes National Monument (YAY!).

When we got to the Mexican border, our driver lady told us we all had to grab our luggage and walk through the gates (state side) and then walk along the passage and into Mexico! It was possibly a tiny bizarre, but that's how they do it.
This was looking back, after walking from the US side,
to the Mexican side, where our driver picked us up.
So we did just that, and the photo just above was us having just walked in to Mexico. Here we all are after crossing into Mexico. The lady in yellow was also crossing over and we told her she was an honorary 'Carter Cousin' for the sake of the photo. We'll never ever forget dear what's-her-name!

The Carter Cousins plus one 
David also booked the hotel resort where we stayed at. We got a suite. Here we are in the lobby, after arriving at the resort. 
Fresh batch of Carter Cousins, left to right: Jonniann (San Diego, CA), Carol (Queens, NY),
Rhonda (Chandler, AZ), Michael (Jonni's Hubby), David and Cousin-in-Law Tom (Denver, CO)
And here is our view from our HUMONGOUS balcony, looking west
Here's the view looking East
This is about only 1/3 of the balcony


There were several places to sit and have a chat, and the couches turned out pretty handy for taking a quick nap too.

Everyone checking out the Suite - this is the kitchen 
And this is about half of the 'living room back there,
and we never even used the big dining room table
Other half of the main room, and the open door on
the right is the room Cousin Carol and I shared
Want a soak anyone? The tub
that goes with 'MY' room

Each of the four bedrooms had its own luxury bathroom. I call them 'luxury' because they had giant soaking tubs, which is one of my dreams when I get my next house - my own soaking tub!

Finally I'm back to my cuzzies! We met up in the lobby with other cousins that are staying at other resorts nearby.  Thank heavens this time our separation from each other was no more than a year at Dovin's birthday party Oct 2018. 
Michael, Tom, David, Matt II in the green hat, Marisa in the yellow pants and Carol in green
It was decided the family and friends of the bride and the groom were going to meet up at a local Mexican Restaurant (OK, even if they served only Swedish food, it would STILL be a Mexican restaurant, right? So we somehow figured out how to get everyone there because our van was long gone, but somehow we got there. As the photos I took are all rather ghastly I'm ending this here.

Interestingly (for 'moi' anyway) after the buffet dinner, Rhonda, Carol and myself got a ride back to our resort through a friend of the Rosa, the bride. Sadly, Tom & David didn't get in on the ride scene, and they walked along the beach back to the resort. Quite romantic I'd wager, and successful as they made it back!

Tomorrow is the wedding and our little group went to sleep with the sound of waves on the beach and maybe just a teensy bit of my snoring in the background.