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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II
Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
My Non-caloric Hot Sunday
We visited the American Masterpieces: The Artistic Legacy of California Indian Basketry exhibit at the California Museum.
A selection of the baskets from the warehouse in West Sacramento were spiffed up and put on display at the CA Museum. Although I was told I could use non-flash photography in the museum, I show no individual baskets here because the local tribes consider that a bit of a no-no.
The actual baskets were in very dimly lit displays, dim so as not to light-damage the baskets. Myself, while I know light may fade coloring on baskets, handling is good for them. Oil from human hands keep the fibers more alive, and without it the baskets grow brittle. Even baskets, now and again, desire the touch of admiring human hands.
Quite near the baskets exhibit was the traveling With Malice Toward None: Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Exhibit - no photographs allowed at all. Volumes of hand written Lincoln letters, Civil War memorabilia and the bit that had my full attention was the Lincoln family bible, used for the swearing in of President Obama at his inauguration. The bible is huge, and curiously the name on its front in gold lettering is Mary Todd Lincoln... no one knows how she managed that.
There was a quite display of the bits and bobs Lincoln had in his pockets the night of his assassination at the Ford Theater. Staring at 2 pair of eensie little eye glasses, strange little wallet, and lens cleaner and to think where they have been was amazing. One of the spectacles folded, and both pairs were so small they might have belonged to a myopic child. There was a play bill too, with a long-dry spot of blood on it, that the placard assured was a real blood - ewwww.
After the Lincoln exhibit I visited several other exhibits, including a totally depressing one about the Japanese Americans who found themselves squirreled away on American soil in dreary desert hovels for the crime of being racially Japanese during war time. After a lot of head shaking at unfairnes I have no control over, I decided something whimsical would be nice.
I discovered there are some strange animals hanging around the California State Musuem. They all seemed to have their origins in the v. strange mind of one Dr. Theodore Giesel, AKA Dr. Seuss.
Friday, July 24, 2009
They'll be in their Shells Shortly!
I just ordered 4, vaccinated Faverolles hen chicks. In a few days they'll be in their eggs, somewhere in the East, and they'll hatch there in the last week of August. Then within 24 hours of hatching the four will be boxed up all warm and cozy, & shipped to me via the U.S. Postal Service. When in transit they'll internally feed on the residual yokes that kept them alive in their eggs. Then, in 2 or 3 days, voila! Les Girlie Chicks will be here! Meanwhile I am getting their little receiving kit assembled - a box, a heat lamp, some chick scratch, etc.

French Faverolles are my breed of choice because they are great egg layers and known for their docile natures. My cluck's temperaments are a big issue for my duel purpose birds, as they will be pets as well as egg layers.
My Faverolles are called 'Salmon' for their buff color. The feathers of Faverolles do not lie close to the body, so the birds look all lovely & poofy. As adults they are très charming and Old World in their looks.
The Roosters are mostly iridescent black with straw colored feathers draped over their neck and rump. I wish I could have a Salmon Faverolles rooster, but sadly, will not, because roosters tend to rile up the neighbors with their "Cock-a-doodle-doos", or as the birds emote en français, "Cocorico!"
The hens are buff-colored and like the roosters, and have 'muffs' - a Puff of straw-colored feathers just under their chins. The roosters too have muffs... er, handsome, manly black beards.
Both the boy and girl birds, even as chicks, have feathery/downy leggings and feet, and five toes; most chicken breeds have four toes.

GAK! I am going to have trouble waiting for the end of August to get here!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Quicky Birdie Post
Monday, July 06, 2009
They don't call, they don't write...
Ooooo... Every once in a bit I get updated information from the National Geographic mitochondria DNA testing I took part in a year or so ago. On the chart below are people who are matches to my mitochonria, meaning we're very near, almost sort of, in some ways, related. In other words, if every other human on earth is my 52nd cousin - and they are, even , these people are my, what... 32nd cousins? Yes, something like that.
For the record, the white drop points to where my maternal Grandfather originated - Trinidad.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Mid-week Mini-break

The weather was coolish, but grew sunny enough that I went beet red so it was time to call it quits. I only bought four plants; an apricot, double flowered California Poppy, a Chia, some Deer Grass (very exciting native!) and a Western Flax. Barb has fun and bought more than a half dozen exotic looking beauties.
Worn out and hot, we then beat it over to Berkeley for a late lunch at Skate's by the Bay - one of my favorite restaurants. We had window seats overlooking the ocean, and the sky line of San Francisco could be seen in the distance. As I brought my binoculars into the restaurant with me, birds and sea lions stayed clear - oh well. There was still a thing or two to gawk at through the big picture windows though, before we finished our strawberry/rhubarb cobblers and headed home - east to Sac O' Tomatoes for me, south to Prunetucky (Castroville)for Barbara.
Love my new native plants! I'd better get them into the Gulag Garden before they croak!