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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Thursday, August 23, 2018

A Mule Deer Laden Afternoon

Some occasionally moody scenery in Rocky Mt National Park
Not long after returning from the Pawnee Grasslands to Estes Park, I headed back into Rocky Mountain National Park. There were lots of Mule Deer out and about.

The antlers on many of the bucks must have the does sitting back to
fan their brows.

Below is what I call a Disney assortment of bucks, by which I mean they come in two lovely and different shades: two gray, and one red. 

The gray buck below - who wears a dynamite set of antlers - still retains his gray winter coat. The red buck below has shed most of his winter coat so he is red - his summer color. Obviously the red buck is setting the seasonal trend.

A Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel was insulted when I didn't want to photograph it because I can find such squirrels in California. The squirrel was insulted but offered to model for me so, what could I do but oblige it with its own photo spread?

The fancy tail gives its rear view some panache
In the end, for my efforts I got a polite standing ovation
I stopped to wander around the Sprague Lake picnic area where there were Gray Jays, a species I don't get to see very often.
A nice brace of Canada or Gray Jays

Damp Mink
I did the tiniest bit of hiking on the Sprague Lake trail. I was besides myself with excitement when briefly, I spotted a Mink standing in the shore reeds. It scarpered off as soon as we spied each other, so no photo. To compensate, here's a photo I took of a mink eons ago. Can't see much of it? Sadly, that's often the case with these sneaky little rascals.

It was closing in on sunset when this singular young bull elk, with spike antlers showed itself on a roadside. The first elk of this park visit. Where the heck are they all hiding out?

A late roaming group of Mule Deer - which are plentiful this visit - included a spotted fawn.

It grew dark so I headed back to Estes Park and my cute Air BnB hideaway, still wondering, 'Where are all the elk?'

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