Yesterday, while visiting with Nancy & Rick at their house, I had a look out the back porch window. The backyard persimmon tree was filled with over ripe fruit which hasn't gone unnoticed. American Robins, Cedar Waxwings, the odd Butter Butt aka Yellow-rumped Warbler and squirrels were having their fill. I had my camera with me so I got some shots of the Waxwings stuffing their faces with fruity pulp goodness.
Yummy, yummy, yummy |
Alas - never a napkin handy when you need one |
Suspect this bird would not be happy with the angle I chose for its portrait |
It was a wonder they could still fly with such a fruit load on board. |
WOAH! This fruit is so squishy it gives me the heeby jeebies! |
I love shots that show off the red 'waxy' wing tufts that give the species its name | |
As for my own back yard, the Waxwings have already come and gone. They ate about 75% of the Hawthorn berries and the local pain-in-the-arse squirrels took care of the rest. They all do me a favor in eating the berries as I won't have to deal with as many unwanted 'volunteer' baby Hawthorn trees this year.